Get the adults in your learning community on the same page with these printable resources for staff, administration, and parents:
The guiding questions for each component of a Responsive Advisory Meeting will help support purposeful planning.
DOWNLOADThis template can be helpful for outlining the choices in an Academic Choice lesson that will help meet learning goals, and thoughtfully planning the three phases of plan, work, and reflect.
DOWNLOADThis checklist supports the implementation of the Responsive Classroom approach in your classroom space, providing considerations for space, materials, displays, desk and table groupings, learning spaces, and pathways.
DOWNLOADThis organizer provides guidance with elements to consider such as developmental considerations, interactive learning structures, and management ideas when grouping students for learning.
DOWNLOADThis planner offers structure and guiding questions for developing a purposeful and productive Guided Discovery.
DOWNLOADUse this template to keep track of how well you are getting to know and connect with your students.
DOWNLOADThis template can help you plan independent practice sessions for your middle school lessons.
DOWNLOADThis planner can be used to develop the specific steps of an effective Interactive Modeling for elementary students.
DOWNLOADThis planner can be used to develop the specific steps of an effective Interactive Modeling for middle school students.
DOWNLOADThis guide supports planning for student learning using a three-part lesson structure that reflects that natural learning cycle.
DOWNLOADThis planner will help you think critically and intentionally about the type of grouping that you would like to use during a particular lesson.
DOWNLOADThis planner can be used to purposefully plan a Morning Meeting, with goals in mind for each component and a clear understanding of skills to emphasis and practice.
DOWNLOADThis planner can be used to develop a weekly plan for Morning Meeting. This tool is particularly helpful when there are concrete goals and skills to focus on and develop throughout the week.
DOWNLOADThis grid can be used to design the placement of furniture, large and small group meeting areas, and the overall flow of traffic in the classroom space.
DOWNLOADThis guide will help ensure that all the key steps of a problem-solving conference are considered prior to meeting with a student, in order to make efficient use of the meeting time and effectively focus the conversation.
DOWNLOADThis guide can be used to plan a role-play around the key steps to help ensure that the role-play is effective and subsequent conversation is focused and productive.
DOWNLOADThis guide allows for thoughtful planning of an active teaching lesson based on the three phases of active teaching: teach and model, student collaboration, and facilitate reflection.
DOWNLOADSupport academic readiness with this sample Responsive Advisory Meeting plan.
DOWNLOADThis planning guide provides guidance in the careful planning of a class meeting that is structured to support the class in navigating a situation that affects the whole class.
DOWNLOADThis planning guide provides guidance in planning a Morning Meeting for grades K-2 in the wake of a tragedy in the classroom or school community.
DOWNLOADThis planning guide provides guidance in planning a Morning Meeting for grades 3-6 in the wake of a tragedy in the classroom or school community.
DOWNLOADThis planning guide provides guidance in planning a Responsive Advisory Meeting after a tragedy in the classroom or school community.
DOWNLOADThis organizer supports considering the ways in which connections with families can occur at the start of the school year and as the school year progresses.
DOWNLOADThis guide helps support the planning of the collaborative rule creation process.
DOWNLOADThis guide provides support in creating a letter to families about Responsive Classroom practices.
DOWNLOADThese planning guides will help plan in-depth progression when looking at how to implement practices during the first four weeks of school.
DOWNLOADThis planner helps plan each phase of Active Teaching when preparing lesson plans for content.
DOWNLOADThis check-in protocol helps provide feedback to students after the students have set a SMART Goal.
DOWNLOADThis planning guide for student practice organizes thoughts in order to have meaningful practice and deeper content engagement following Active Teaching.
DOWNLOADThis planner for investing students in the rules helps students to make explicit connections between classroom rules, their own goals, and concrete behaviors.
DOWNLOADThis tool can be used to guide students in structured reflection on new content and learning, and can also be adapted and modified to meet the needs of students in a variety of situations.
DOWNLOADThis organizer helps show the relationship between concepts or physical objects by breaking down the whole into its smaller and more specific components for deeper analysis.
DOWNLOADThis organizer can be used to show relationships between an event and its causes and effects.
DOWNLOADThis organizer can be used to compare and contrast two things or concepts, with shared qualities placed between the two items and differences placed on the sides.
DOWNLOADEither of the two variations of this organizer included here can be used to identify the various root causes of a particular problem or effect. This diagram also helps students to think about possible solutions because it requires a thorough examination of the issues (and the why’s) behind the problem.
DOWNLOADThis organizer guides students in structured reflection on new content and learning and can be used to quickly assess student understanding.
DOWNLOADThis organizer supports students in thinking carefully about a specific topic or concept, and can be a useful tool for students to refer to for reflection and when engaging in discussion.
DOWNLOADThis organizer can be used to examine two facets of an object or situation. For example: pros and cons, facts and opinions, advantages and disadvantages, strengths and weaknesses, problems and solutions, or main ideas and supporting ideas.
DOWNLOADThis organizer can be used to classify, categorize, and organize ideas or facts.
DOWNLOADThis organizer supports students in reflecting on and discussing a text by having them identify key ideas and words that stood out to them.
DOWNLOADThis organizer can be used to illustrate the relationships between and among objects that share something in common, allowing students to compare and contrast various objects, ideas, and topics.
DOWNLOADThis graphic organizer helps identify character traits from text and offers ways in which students can cite evidence.
DOWNLOADThis graphic organizer helps identify character traits from text and offers ways in which students can cite evidence.
DOWNLOADThis will help students analyze content that they have read or viewed.
DOWNLOADThis additional visual organizer breaks down the acronym for setting a SMART Goal.
DOWNLOADThis graphic organizer helps students break down how classroom and/or school rules supports them in achieving a SMART goal.
DOWNLOADThis graphic organizer will help students visualize their thinking.
DOWNLOADThis planner offers a structured guide to help students set meaningful and productive SMART goals.
DOWNLOADThis planning guide supports students in setting a SMART goal and determining a detailed action plan to attain that goal.
DOWNLOADResponsive Advisory Meeting Book. Use this to support in the planning of the Responsive Advisory Meeting component referred to on page 94.
DOWNLOADResponsive Advisory Meeting Book. Use this to support in the planning of the Responsive Advisory Meeting component referred to on page 94.
DOWNLOAD50 More Energizers Book. Use this template to support activities in which students exchange cards with information.
DOWNLOADBuilding an Academic Community Book. Use this for the Cause and Effect graphic organizer activity on page 89.
DOWNLOADResponsive Advisory Meeting Book. Use this to support in the planning of the Responsive Advisory Meeting component referred to on page 192.
DOWNLOADResponsive Advisory Meeting Book. Use this to support in the planning of the Responsive Advisory Meeting component referred to on pages 93, 144, 149, 152, and 159.
DOWNLOADBuilding an Academic Community Book. Use this for the Decision Tree graphic organizer activity on page 90.
DOWNLOADResponsive Advisory Meeting Book. Use this to support in the planning of the Responsive Advisory Meeting component referred to on page 199.
DOWNLOADResponsive Advisory Meeting Book. Use this to support in the planning of the Responsive Advisory Meeting component referred to on pages 114-115.
DOWNLOADResponsive Advisory Meeting Book. Use this to support in the planning of the Responsive Advisory Meeting component referred to on page 102.
DOWNLOADBuilding an Academic Community Book. Use this to help you plan Interactive Modeling as noted on page 37.
DOWNLOADResponsive Advisory Meeting Book. Use this to support in the planning of the Responsive Advisory Meeting component referred to on pages 36-38, and 124-126.
DOWNLOADSeeing the Good in Students Book. Use this for the logical consequences card activity on page 70.
DOWNLOADResponsive Advisory Meeting Book/Building an Academic Community. Use this to support in the planning of the Responsive Advisory Meeting component referred to on pages 42, 108, and 183 of the Responsive Advisory Meeting Book. Use this for the Looks Like, Sounds Like, Feels Like graphic organizer activity on page 89 of Building an Academic Community.
DOWNLOADResponsive Advisory Meeting Book. Use this to support in the planning of the Responsive Advisory Meeting component referred to on pages 70-72.
DOWNLOADResponsive Advisory Meeting Book. Use this to support in the planning of the Responsive Advisory Meeting component referred to on page 177.
DOWNLOADBuilding an Academic Community Book. Use this to help you plan Responsive Advisory Meeting components as noted on pages 27, 47, 64, 87, and 115.
DOWNLOADResponsive Advisory Meeting Book. Use this letter referred to on page 17 to provide information about the components, purpose, and benefits of the Responsive Advisory Meeting.
DOWNLOADResponsive Advisory Meeting Book. Use this to support in the planning of the Responsive Advisory Meeting component referred to on page 129.
DOWNLOADResponsive Advisory Meeting Book. Use this to support in the planning of the Responsive Advisory Meeting component referred to on page 129.
DOWNLOADResponsive Advisory Meeting Book. Use this to support in the planning of the Responsive Advisory Meeting component referred to on page 80.
DOWNLOADResponsive Advisory Meeting Book/Building an Academic Community. Use this to support in the planning of the Responsive Advisory Meeting component referred to on pages 54-57, 64-67, 76-77, 79, 134, and 154 of the Responsive Advisory Meeting Book. Use this for the SMART goal activities on pages 60 and 119 of Building an Academic Community.
DOWNLOADBuilding an Academic Community Book. Use this to help students assess their SMART goal progress as noted on page 127.
DOWNLOADResponsive Advisory Meeting Book. Use this to support in the planning of the Responsive Advisory Meeting component referred to on pages 94-99.
DOWNLOADResponsive Advisory Meeting Book. Use this to support in the planning of the Responsive Advisory Meeting component referred to on pages 71-72.
DOWNLOADResponsive Advisory Meeting Book. Use this to support in the planning of the Responsive Advisory Meeting component referred to on page 72.
DOWNLOADBuilding an Academic Community Book. Use this for the Textbook Scavenger Hunt activity on page 67.
DOWNLOADBuilding an Academic Community Book. Use this to help students track their after-school time as noted on page 60.
DOWNLOADBuilding an Academic Community Book. Use this for the Venn Diagram activity on page 93.
DOWNLOADResponsive Advisory Meeting Book. Use this to support in the planning of the Responsive Advisory Meeting component referred to on page 195.
DOWNLOADResponsive Advisory Meeting Book. Use this to support in the planning of the Responsive Advisory Meeting component referred to on page 195.
DOWNLOADResponsive Advisory Meeting Book. Use this to support in the planning of the Responsive Advisory Meeting component referred to on pages 86, 118, 131, 145, 168, and 174.
DOWNLOADResponsive Advisory Meeting Book. Use this to support in the planning of the Responsive Advisory Meeting component referred to on page 86, 118, 131, 145, 168, and 174.
DOWNLOADShare this booklet with your students' families to explain how teachers use the Responsive Classroom approach to address their children's needs.
DOWNLOADResponsive Classroom research- and evidence-based practices align with each tier of the MTSS framework.
DOWNLOADResponsive Classroom professional development focuses on building 21st-century teaching skills.
DOWNLOADSchool leaders report higher student achievement and improved school climate when teachers receive training in the Responsive Classroom approach.
DOWNLOADLearn more about these resources for leaders, teachers, and parents who support students moving from elementary school to middle school and from middle school to high school.
DOWNLOADBringing our professional development to your school is the most cost-effective way to train your educators in the Responsive Classroom approach to teaching and discipline.