ISBN: 978-1-892989-58-1

Doing Science in Morning Meeting

Lara Webb, Margaret Wilson

150 Activities That Connect to Your Curriculum



Foster science learning and excitement with these quick, fun, meaningful activities for students K–6. Topics are based on A Framework for K–12 Science Education, the foundation for the Next Generation Science Standards, and disciplines include physical sciences, life sciences, Earth and space sciences, as well as engineering, technology, and applications of science. Though designed specifically to fit into Morning Meeting, these activities are flexible enough to use at any time of day.

  • Copyright ©2013 Center for Responsive Schools, Inc
  • Item #: 149-BKS-NEFC
  • Length: 222 pages
  • ISBN: 978-1-892989-58-1
  • Clear, step-by-step directions
  • Open-ended questions to help students reflect on their learning
  • Key scientific vocabulary to reinforce learning for each activity
  • Complete plans for 10 science-themed Morning Meetings
  • Tables connecting activities to Common Core Speaking and Listening Standards
  • A list of children’s books that support science learning, organized by grade level and science discipline

Foster science learning and excitement with these quick, fun, meaningful activities for students K–6. Topics are based on A Framework for K–12 Science Education, the foundation for the Next Generation Science Standards, and disciplines include physical sciences, life sciences, Earth and space sciences, as well as engineering, technology, and applications of science. Though designed specifically to fit into Morning Meeting, these activities are flexible enough to use at any time of day.

  • Copyright ©2013 Center for Responsive Schools, Inc
  • Item #: 149-BKS-NEFC
  • Length: 222 pages
  • ISBN: 978-1-892989-58-1
Key topics
  • Clear, step-by-step directions
  • Open-ended questions to help students reflect on their learning
  • Key scientific vocabulary to reinforce learning for each activity
  • Complete plans for 10 science-themed Morning Meetings
  • Tables connecting activities to Common Core Speaking and Listening Standards
  • A list of children’s books that support science learning, organized by grade level and science discipline