ISBN: 978-1-892989-37-6

Doing Math in Morning Meetings

Andy Dousis, Margaret Wilson, Roxann Kriete

150 Activities That Connect to Your Curriculum




Bring joy and energy to math learning without adding to your already-packed schedule! 150 fun and engaging math activities for kindergartners to 5th graders: guessing games, songs, chants, hands-on experiments, and more. These math-themed ideas for all four components of Morning Meeting are designed to reflect relevant content and process standards from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

  • Copyright ©2010 Center for Responsive Schools, Inc
  • Item #: 130-BKS-NEFC
  • Length: 232 pages
  • ISBN: 978-1-892989-37-6
  • Clear, step-by-step directions
  • Activities that clearly highlight the math skills and Morning Meeting component addressed
  • Special appendix connecting activities to Common Core State Standards and Practices in Mathematics
  • Key math vocabulary to reinforce learning
  • Variations and extensions for further learning

Bring joy and energy to math learning without adding to your already-packed schedule! 150 fun and engaging math activities for kindergartners to 5th graders: guessing games, songs, chants, hands-on experiments, and more. These math-themed ideas for all four components of Morning Meeting are designed to reflect relevant content and process standards from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

  • Copyright ©2010 Center for Responsive Schools, Inc
  • Item #: 130-BKS-NEFC
  • Length: 232 pages
  • ISBN: 978-1-892989-37-6
Key topics
  • Clear, step-by-step directions
  • Activities that clearly highlight the math skills and Morning Meeting component addressed
  • Special appendix connecting activities to Common Core State Standards and Practices in Mathematics
  • Key math vocabulary to reinforce learning
  • Variations and extensions for further learning