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Primary Practices (Grades K-5)

Explore the core elementary practices of the Responsive Classroom approach. Discover teaching and classroom management techniques that will help you build a positive community and integrate social-emotional learning seamlessly throughout the school day to create safe, joyful, and engaging classrooms and schools.

Take a more comprehensive look at each practiceincluding strategies, ideas, articles, and other resourcesby clicking "Learn More."

Morning Meeting

Morning Meeting gives students a consistent time and place to gather, explore and practice social skills, build a sense of community, and prepare for the day of learning ahead.



Energizers are quick, whole-group activities that get students moving, breathing deeply, laughing, thinking, and working together. Energizers give students mental and physical breaks from rigorous academics, provide a fun way to transition between activities.

Quiet Time

When used effectively, students and teachers alike look forward to this oasis of peace and quiet in the midst of a busy and energetic school day. Teachers say they save time, because many disputes and worries that spill into the room after lunch often dissipate as students relax into quiet time.

Establishing Rules

Rules provide a foundation on which we can build a classroom community and give children guidance about behavior expectations. Children who have worked together to create their rules will believe in the rules, and they will want to follow them as well as help each other follow them.

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Academic Choice

Academic Choice is a powerful tool for motivating students’ learning. When teachers use Academic Choice to structure lessons, children become purposeful learners who engage in an activity because they want to, not because the teacher told them to.

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Guided Discovery

Discover the benefits of Guided Discovery in early education. Explore how this teaching strategy fosters curiosity, independence, and academic learning in Pre-K to 5th grade classrooms. Enhance your teaching journey!

Closing Circle

A closing circle brings a peaceful end to the school day and sends students off feeling a sense of accomplishment and belonging. This routine helps students reflect on what’s meaningful to them about their schoolwork, classmates, and themselves.

Learn More!

Learn about these strategies for classroom success in our Elementary Core Course. This dynamic training equips you with practical tools to:
  • manage discipline
  • boost student engagement
  • create a positive learning environment.
Elementary school teachers hold their resource books while participating in an activity during Responsive Classroom Elementary Core Course training.

Additional Strategies

Five students work cooperatively together on a project in class.

Bullyproof Your Classroom

Every child deserves to feel safe at school. Check out these articles on bully prevention where you’ll find proactive tips and strategies to help you create a positive, inclusive environment. With expert advice on fostering respect, kindness, and social-emotional skills, these resources are designed to empower educators to stop bullying before it starts.

Bring Responsive Classroom to Your School or District

Bringing our professional development courses and workshops to your school is the most cost-effective way to train your educators in the Responsive Classroom approach to teaching and discipline.

Explore More Responsive Classroom Practices

Discover how each practice enhances classroom culture, facilitates effective classroom management, and supports the development of essential skills in students of all ages.