Barb Hobe is a library-media specialist for a K-6 elementary school and Responsive Classroom coach for her district. Prior to her role as the LMS, Barb taught third grade for 10 years in a suburb of Chicago. Throughout her teaching career, she has been fortunate to work in a district that fosters the Responsive Classroom philosophy. Through her unique experience as a classroom teacher, specialist, and school and district leader, Barb has worked with fellow educators to create supportive environments, systems, and practices where students and staff can grow academically as well as socially in safe and inclusive schools. Barb continues to push herself to learn new things. She holds a master’s in reading, various academic endorsements, and is actively involved in diverse learning opportunities to develop both professional and personal knowledge and skills. Barb takes this love for learning and shares it with her family, colleagues, and students in the hope that they too get hooked on new discoveries.