Teacher language refers to the professional use of words, phrases, tone, and pace to enable students to engage in active, interested learning; be contributing members of a positive learning community; and develop positive behaviors. Language—our words, tone of voice, and pacing— is one of the most powerful tools available to teachers. What we say and how we say it permeates every aspect of teaching and learning. Effective teacher language conveys faith in students’ good intentions, and our tone and choice of words can let students know we believe in them and their ability to succeed. A teacher’s words can help students understand how they think and work, giving them insight into what they are capable of and how they can articulate and achieve academic, social and behavioral goals.
In the Responsive Classroom approach, there are four types of teacher language: reinforcing language, reminding language, redirecting language, and envisioning language.
Children build on their strengths, not their weaknesses. This is one of the most important things to keep in mind when teaching. It’s vital for teachers to see and name what students are doing well, and reinforcing language allows us to do that. It highlights students’ skills, positive efforts and attitudes, and quality work so that they know what to stand on as they reach for the next higher rung in their learning.
It can take time to shift your language to focus more on what students are doing well than on what they need to improve. But once you’ve gotten comfortable with this powerful tool, you’ll find yourself consistently acknowledging students’ positives.
Name concrete and specific behaviors. Rather than saying a global “Good job!” or “Nice work,” tell students what they specifically did well so they know what to keep doing and build upon.
De-emphasize your personal approval. Emphasize what the student did. Otherwise, students may focus more on pleasing you than on improving their skills.
Avoid holding one student up as an example for others. The student held up may feel triumphant, but the others are likely to feel devalued or criticized. And the student held up may even feel embarrassed.
Find positives to reinforce in all students. Every child has strengths. Over time, every child should feel that we see and appreciate their positive actions and attitudes.
Just as we all need reminders to stay organized in our everyday lives, children need reminders in school to keep their work and behavior on track. By using reminding language before students start a possibly challenging task, or right when they start to make a mistake, teachers help them stay on task, organized, responsible, and safe.
Before using reminders, be sure to teach students what the expectations are and how to meet them, as children can only be reminded of what they already know. Also, keep in mind that reminders are most effective when both the student and teacher feel calm. That’s why it’s so important to give reminders early, before students’ behavior has gone on long enough for frustration to build.
Prompt children to remember for themselves what they should be doing. This shows faith in their competence and builds their autonomy.
Use neutral tone and body language. Giving a reminder as a matter-of-fact piece of guidance shows respect for the student. It also helps her focus on what she needs to do rather than on what we think of her.
Be brief. Students tend to tune out of long strings of words.
Watch for follow-through. After giving a reminder, take a moment to see if the child acts. If we don’t do this, children may learn that we don’t mean what we say.
A third grade class is working on an art project. Macy waves her scissors in the air, the point coming perilously close to a tablemate’s face. Down the hall, a class of fifth graders is doing some science experiments when a small group starts playing games with the materials, games that quickly have the children laughing and scuttling about, the science experiment completely forgotten.
When students are doing something harmful to themselves or others, are too far into a mistake to correct themselves, or are too emotional to think reasonably about what they’re supposed to be doing, teachers need to redirect them with clear words. Skillfully used, redirecting language lets teachers provide wise external control to keep children safe and productive when their self-control is failing them.
As with reminding language, it’s important to be brief and to use a neutral tone and neutral body language when giving a redirection. Here are other essentials to keep in mind.
Be direct and specific. When children are far enough into a mistake to need a redirection, they need to hear exactly what you want them to do differently.
Say what to do, instead of what not to do. Saying what not to do may sound like a complaint or an attack on students’ character, and many students may miss what we’re wanting them to do. Naming the desired behavior is clear and respectful of children.
State a redirection as a statement, not a question. A question gives the illusion of choice and can confuse children. It’s more respectful to calmly give a statement that tells children exactly what we want them to do.
Instead of: “Anna, could you refocus on your math?”
Try: “Anna, refocus on your math.”
Follow up with action if necessary. Watch to see if the student follows your redirection. If not, give a clearer redirection or take action that helps her return to positive behavior.
Envisioning language is a type of language that gives children a vision of what is possible. Teachers can use envisioning language to help students imagine themselves behaving and achieving in ways that go beyond but connect to their current reality. Helping students form and own a vision of themselves achieving success is a fundamental job of teachers, and language is a key tool for doing this. This envisioning is so important because for children as well as adults, success doesn’t always come easily. To be inspired to do the hard work, children need a clear and engaging picture of what is possible, a new and exciting picture of themselves.
Believe your own words. Naming students as good thinkers, or offering them any other positive identity, works only if your words are backed by deep conviction—if, in the preceding example, you truly believe that all children are good thinkers in different ways and begin school eager to succeed as learners.
For another example, suppose your sixth grade students have formed their project teams and are raring to go on their DNA extraction projects. “Teams that collaborate well,” you remind them, “will be able to make the most of our work time. Talk in your groups for a minute about what you’ll do to be effective collaborators.” You’ve set a clear and positive goal for the class by identifying them as potential “effective collaborators,” but they’ll want to live up to this positive image of themselves only if they sense that you truly believe they can.
Avoid naming negative identities. Sometimes, without thinking, we name a negative identity along with a positive one, like this: “I’m hoping for hard workers instead of lazy workers.” That statement could imply that we currently see students as lazy. And once students hear a negative identity, they may have a hard time imagining themselves with the positive one. Or they may become resentful and unwilling to work toward the positive vision. A straightforward positive statement works much better: “I know that you can all work hard and learn a lot, and I’m here to help you do that.”
Be inclusive. Imagine a fifth grade teacher who shares a vision of gym class as “Boys and girls, skaters and jocks, all being friendly to each other.” The intention—to reassure students that everyone has an equal place in the school community—is positive, but the words reinforce the very divisions and stereotypes the teacher wants to overcome. Far more effective is a simple sentence such as “In this class and in this school, everybody will feel welcomed and included by everybody else.”
Keep trying. Learning how to name positive identities for students takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself and persist, even when you make mistakes—just as you encourage students to do. You’ll soon find yourself using these envisioning statements fluently and frequently.
For a more in-depth look at every type of Responsive Classroom teacher language, elementary school teachers can check out The Power of Our Words, while middle school teachers can explore The Power of Our Words for Middle School.
Additionally, K-8 teachers can learn the most effective teacher language for deepening students’ learning with Make Learning Meaningful.
Interested in professional development opportunities to build and strengthen your teacher language? See our four-day courses for elementary and middle school educators and our one-day workshop Improving Teacher and Student Language.