Energizers are usually more about giving children quick movement and breathing breaks than they are about academics. Still, it’s possible to work in a little academic practice, as long as the focus remains on fun, refocusing, and relaxation. As a lively variation on musical chairs, the Spelling Stroll energizer fits that bill very nicely, especially for children in grades 3-6.
You can do this energizer with skip-counting and math facts, too! For example, the caller says “7×12”! The group then skip-counts by 12’s as they take 7 steps: 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 94.
Spelling Stroll can be found in Energizers! 88 Quick Movement Activities That Refresh and Refocus, along with 87 more engaging activities that give students mental and physical breaks from rigorous academics, provide a fun way to transition between activities, help students refocus their attention, and create opportunities for students to connect with their teacher and each other.