Double This Double That: A Fun and Lively Energizer!

Double This Double That: A Fun and Lively Energizer!

Many of us are longing for spring, but it’s still February! It’s a great time to perk up your class with quick energizers sprinkled throughout the day. Here’s one called “Double This Double That”—especially fun for students in grades three through six.

Double This Double That

  1. Partners begin facing each other with hands in loose fists held up at about chin level.
  2. Say “Double Double” and tap pinkie side of fists twice against same side of partner’s fists.
  3. Say “This This” and tap palms twice against partner’s palms.
  4. SayDouble Double” and tap pinkie side of fists twice against same side of partner’s fists.
  5. SayThat That” and tap back of hands twice against backs of partner’s hands.
  6. SayDouble This” and tap fists and then palms once against partner’s palms.
  7. SayDouble That” and tap fists and then back of hands once against back of partner’s hands.
  8. SayDouble Double” and tap pinkie side of fists twice against same side of partner’s fists.
  9. SayThis That” and tap palms once against partner’s palms and then once against backs of partner’s hands


  • Children sit facing each other in two circles, one inside the other.  Each time the children repeat the chant, the inner circle moves one space to the right so that each child gets a new partner.
  • Play without sound when you need a quiet waiting game.
  • Math connection:  Change words to Double Double, Two Two, Equals Equals, Four Four, Double Two, Equals Four, Double Double, Two Four (repeat with 3, 4, 5, 6, etc.)

More Energizer Ideas

Double This Double That is from Energizers! 88 Quick Movement Activities That Refresh and Refocus  , along with eighty-seven other energizers will get your students moving, laughing, and learning!

Tags: Movement