“Morning Meeting group activities are short and fast-paced, and involve everyone in the class. Though they may appear to be “just for fun,” they support crucial learning goals: Some activities incorporate academic skill-building components that tie in to current topics in the curriculum; others offer practice in important generalized skills like listening, following directions, exercising self-control, or practicing deductive reasoning; still others help build a positive classroom community”
Find the latest Morning Meeting activity ideas in the articles below.
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Dear Valued Community, The National Assessment Governing Board, the independent, nonpartisan board that sets policy for the Nation’s Report Card (NAEP), recently released the results from the 2024 assessment for ...
As we approached testing season, the already anxiety-prone fourth graders I teach began asking questions about test dates, format, and content. These signs of stress, combined with antsiness brought on by the arrival of long-awaited spring weather and a week of spring break, all came at once this year. I was feeling stressed, too. I had a lot to "get through" before our standardized state testing in May, and I felt pressured to get the information out as quickly as possible.
One of the most rewarding aspects of teaching is helping students develop social and emotional skills alongside academic knowledge. These skills are essential for building positive relationships, fostering self-confidence, and ...