“Interactive Modeling is a straightforward, seven-step technique that’s very effective for teaching procedures and routines, such as walking safely in the hallway, and social and academic skills, such as listening respectfully and highlighting important ideas in a text. Parents and coaches can also use this technique to teach children skills, from putting dishes away carefully to running the bases safely. In brief, Interactive Modeling is a great way to teach any routine or skill that needs to be done in one specific way (for safety, efficiency, or other reasons).”
Suddenly, it seems like the class is falling apart. Classroom routines that were going smoothly just a few weeks ago now seem rough around the edges. More and more children are forgetting to follow classroom rules. The noise level is higher, and academic productivity seems lower. What's going on?
I once taught a second grader who sometimes subtly refused to go along with what we were doing. For instance, if we had to leave the classroom and John didn't want to go, he'd get in line—but then walk as slowly as possible. The more his classmates and I urged him to walk faster, the slower he would go. At each deliberate step, I could feel my blood pressure rise. But in that moment, I could do little. I couldn't physically make John walk faster; nor was he ready to rationally discuss his feelings or options. Rarely did a student's behavior get to me, but John's resistance always did.
Teacher language—the words, tone, and pace we use when we talk to students—may be the most powerful of all our teaching tools. After all, language permeates nearly every interaction we have with students; we use words to exchange friendly greetings, give instructions, deliver content, and check understanding.
First Weeks of SchoolInteractive ModelingPositive Teacher LanguageReminding, Redirecting, and Reinforcing LanguageRule CreationTeacher LanguageThe First Weeks of School