Have you watched that video that shows middle school students on a school bus, bullying their bus monitor? I watched it a few days ago. The video is painful, even disgusting, but if you’re wondering why people who are bullied don’t stand up for themselves and put a stop to the bullying, it’s very instructive. If you watch the video, you’ll see that the bus monitor tried to protect herself. She used many of the strategies adults tell children to use. None of them worked to stop the bullying.
Another notable thing about this incident is something Karen Klein did not do: report the bullying. There was, after all, another adult on the bus that day, but Ms. Klein didn’t ask the bus driver for help. She also didn’t go to the school administration to file a report afterwards. I don’t know Ms. Klein’s reasons for thinking she should keep the incident to herself, but her reluctance to report is characteristic of people who’ve been bullied.
The research shows that children don’t report because they’re afraid that if the kids who bullied them find out, the bullying will escalate. There’s also evidence that children are reluctant to report because they’re worried that if parents or teachers know about the bullying they’ll think the child is a “loser,” and think it’s their fault they’re being bullied. I can see how either of these ways of thinking could possibly apply to Ms. Klein as well.
It’s less dangerous for an onlooker to report—for instance, think of how differently the scene on the bus might have unfolded if a student rider had alerted the bus driver to what was going on, and if the driver had stopped the bus, moved the students away from Ms. Klein, called for back-up, or otherwise taken firm action to stop the brutality. Similarly, if a child had reported the incident to a parent, a teacher, or a school administrator afterwards, the school might have taken steps to create a safe climate on the school bus.
I have lots more things I could say about what happened to Karen Klein on the bus that day. For instance, I could comment on the need for support and training for bus drivers and bus monitors, and I could comment on the need for educators to teach children appropriate bus behaviors. I discuss those issues in the chapter of How to Bullyproof Your Classroom called “Outside of the Classroom,” and I will write about them here soon.
For today, though, here’s what I hope the video of the bullied bus monitor demonstrates once and for all: Children targeted for mean treatment can’t stop the bullying themselves, any more than Karen Klein could stop the way the children were treating her.
Caltha Crowe’s new book, How to Bullyproof Your Classroom, offers a practical, proactive approach to bullying prevention. Learn how to create a positive classroom environment and how to respond to mean behavior before it escalates into bullying.
“Teacher-friendly from start to finish!” —Martha Hanley, Grafton, MA