Who Remembers My Favorite Book? A Morning Meeting Sharing Idea

Who Remembers My Favorite Book? A Morning Meeting Sharing Idea

Here’s a Morning Meeting sharing idea that, along with being a fun remembering game, will help students practice skills such as reflecting on personal experiences, reasoning, and recall.

Who Remembers My Favorite Book?

  1. Tell students they each will have a turn to share about a favorite book and why they enjoyed it, using a complete sentence. Remind students to listen carefully because they’ll be playing “Who Remembers?” after everyone has shared.
  2. Give think time. Tell students to give a thumbs-up when ready.
  3. Be the first sharer. Use a complete sentence and keep your reason why brief. Continue around the circle.
  4. After everyone has shared, play “Who Remembers?” Ask recall questions such as: “Who remembers whose favorite book was a biography about Harriet Tubman? Does anyone remember why that was her favorite book?”

Tips for Success

  • If needed, model a think-aloud showing how to choose one favorite among several. Also model using a complete sentence and speaking clearly.
  • Invite students to share the strategies they plan to use to help them remember what is said.
  • Reinforce positive behaviors. For example: “You remembered so much about each other.”


  • Challenge the class as a whole to remember something about everyone in the class.
  • Invite students to ask “Who Remembers?” questions about their own sharings and to call on classmates to respond.

Looking for More?

Who Remembers My Favorite Book? can be found in 80 Morning Meeting Ideas for Grades 36, along with seventy-nine other unique greeting, sharing, activity, and message ideas you can use to create engaging, interactive Morning Meetings for your students.

Tags: 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, Building Classroom Community, Engaging Academics, Language Arts